About Rustler

A Brief History

Rustler Technologies Incorporated was founded in 1900 by current CEO Harvey Warderwar's ancestors, where it began as a global corporate company developing early mechanical products. Rustler continued to grow as a company over time, building up funds and gaining experience crafting high-quality and low-priced parts, specifically components of the early Ford Model T vehicles and electrical items. As the first computers began to emerge in the mid-20th-century, Rustler began to create computer parts and work towards the standardization of the personal computer.

Rustler entered the software market in the late 1990s, creating early word processors and other utilities. Today, Rustler is a global software and computer-hardware company that produces high-quality and low-priced products for everyone.

Our Promise

"90% of the companies on Earth have a reputation for producing high-cost products for a mediocre quality. Only a handful of companies sell extremely low-cost and high-quality products. Rustler's goal is to expand the amount of companies in that category so that they become the leading companies of the world. At Rustler, we put customer satisfaction and price at the top of our list." - Harvey Wardewar, founder and CEO of Rustler

Rustler's Satisfaction Guarantee

Rustler's products, when purchased, come with a minimum of 2 -year warranty. This includes both software and physical products. This allows Rustler's customers to return or have their product repaired within the next 5 years if anything should go wrong. Rustler's satisfaction guarantee is the way that we ensure that our customers get maximum satisfaction with their product. If you have any questions or concerns about your Rustler experience, ensure that you call us at 1-800-RUSTLER immediately.

What We Value

At Rustler, we value your satisfaction with our products--not only do we care what you think about our products, but we make sure that the products you purchase are high-quality and low-cost. If you have any problems with the cost of your product, or you think that we've not done a good job with a product, then we won't allow you to go without satisfaction. We refuse to let customers buy high-priced and low-quality Ruster products, and thus offer a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee (see above) that ensures that you won't go unsatisfied with our products.

Our Employees

Software Engineers

  • Pooh Warderwar, Senior Engineer
  • Harvey Berkley, Engineer
  • Duffy Klondike, Engineer
  • Bert Anderson, Engineer
  • Sales Managers

  • Ping Warderwar, Lead Manager
  • Herbert Nelson, Manager
  • Thomas Steve, Manager
  • Project Managers

  • Arthur Vibes, Lead Manager
  • Jordan Pull, Manager
  • Mike Anderson, Manager
  • Human Resources

  • Claude Webster, Lead Director
  • Berkey Anderson, Manager
  • Harvey Walbert, Lead Manager
  • Our Product Pledge

    We make high-quality software. We make low-priced software. We make dependable products. We make modern software. Rustler is devoted to providing products that do not have in-app purchases. Rustler is devoted to providing products that do not have trim levels to the point that it is confusing. Rustler is devoted to providing products that do not have unnecessarily high prices. Rustler wants their customers to have a genuine experience that is not clouded over by subscriptions, pirating, excessive trim levels, in-app purchases, or excessive pricing. Rustler is a company, not a greedy corporation that charges their customers huge sums of money.

    Rustler Sales Mission

    Rustler pledges to make their sales consistent and high so that they can continue offering products to their customers at a reasonable price. They will concentrate hardest on satisfying their customers first and then making sure that their sales remain at a consistent high level. At Rustler, we want more than just average sales: We want high sales that will help us grow and acquire more loyal customers. We will not, however, bankrupt our customers in order to achieve these sales. We would sooner go out of business than overcharge customers.

    Our YouTube Channel

    We currently have a YouTube channel where we post informational content, company help videos, financial news, and other content. You can check out our channel here, and feel free to subscribe or leave a comment on our videos!

    Thanks for choosing Rustler.