Register for a Rustler Account

Register here to begin purchasing Rustler products!


What's A Rustler Account?

A Rustler Account is a special type of account that you can sign up for so you can see your products that you've purchased. Instead of purchasing something you already have, you can go to your profile once you've logged in and see if you already have that product. If you've bought a new product, and would like to activate it using your activation key (if applicable) provided in your order message, then you can activate it by logging in and going to your profile to do so.

NOTE: Functionality of your Rustler Account is limited temporarily because the website does not have the full capabilites of your account profile yet. That means you won't be able to see your purchased products temporarily.

If you have not yet created an account, then this is the place to do so. Registering for a Rustler Account opens many possibilities for your experience with Rustler.

Rustler will not track you everywhere you go on the Internet. Only on this website. Once you log in, we will have created a token, and no cookies will be envolved. If you have any questions about your privacy, then you can visit us at Suite 524, Boulder Ln, Frisco, TX.

We hope you have a good experience with Rustler and your new Rustler Account.