
NoteMaster Version 10

NoteMaster, Rustler's score creator, doesn't just work. It eases the use of recording music by making it quicker and easier at the same time, while maintaing powerful capabilities--and best of all, it comes at a very low one-time price. Customers from around the globe review NoteMaster saying that it's good because "it does more than work." At Rustler, we want to make you feel like your software doesn't just work. And with the latest update, features are getting better and better.

Order your copy today

NoteMaster Overview

NoteMaster Standard: Best for music amateurs.

NoteMaster, Rustler's score creator, doesn't just work. It eases the use of recording music by making it quicker and easier at the same time, while maintaing powerful capabilities. Customers from around the globe review NoteMaster saying that it's good because "it does more than work." At Rustler, we want to make you feel like your software doesn't just work. And with the latest update, features are getting better and better.

  • Easy to learn for beginners
  • Record from a MIDI keyboard or manually notate score
  • Offered at a low one-time price
  • Compatible with Windows 7 or later, MacOS 10.11 or later, Linux Ubuntu 15 or later
  • See more details below in the pricing section

  • NoteMaster Ultimate: Best for users who are serious about music.

    Take notating your scores to the next level with NoteMaster Ultimate. With intuitive features that can transcribe input from a MIDI keyboad into score that's powered by AI, you'll never mis a beat with NoteMaster Ultimate. If you choose to notate your scores manully, NoteMaster will ease the process and make it easier and quicker to do. By choosing NoteMaster Ultimate, you'll be experiencing the incredible at a very low one-time price.

  • Automatically transcribes input from MIDI keyboards with AI
  • Offered at a low one-time price
  • Priority customer support is there to help you, 24/7/365
  • Compatible with Windows 7 or later, MacOS 10.11 or later, Linux Ubuntu 15 or later
  • See more details below in the pricing section

  • NoteMaster Enterprise: Best for businesses.

    Are you in need of a high-quality and low-priced notation software for your company? Well you're in luck, because Rustler's NoteMaster Enterprise has you covered. For a low per-user one-time cost, you can get high-quality features for your employees that will help them to work smarter.

  • The most powerful notation tool on the market
  • Offered at a low per-user cost
  • Priority customer support is there to help you, 24/7/365
  • Compatible with Windows 7 or later, MacOS 10.11 or later, Linux Ubuntu 15 or later
  • See more details below in the pricing section

  • Pricing


    $59.99 one-time

    • Turn MIDI recordings into score
    • Manually notate score and import files from Notion, Finale, Sibelius & more
    • Customer support, five days a week
    • Export to PDF and publish to RustlerCloud
    • Includes license for up to 2 iOS/Android standard apps (view and edit scores only)
    • Includes license for up to 3 PCs


    $99.99 one-time

    • Supports 512th note values
    • Full customizable range of instruments
    • Add up to 4 voices per staff
    • Infinite possibilities with AI transcription
    • Customer support, 24/7/365
    • Includes license for up to 3 iOS/Android premium apps (collaborate and markup scores)
    • Includes license for up to 5 PCs



    • Networking tools & tons of sampled sounds
    • Additional plugins and instruments
    • Supports up to 1,000 users
    • The best tools on the market

    Compare plans

    Standard Ultimate Enterprise
    Standard mobile apps (view and edit scores)
    Premium mobile apps (markup, comment, and collaborate on scores on iOS and Android)
    Updates & support Access all new releases and updates for 2 years* Access all new releases and updates for 3 years* Access all new releases and updates for 4 years*
    Turn MIDI recordings into notes with AI
    Import files from Notion, Finale, Sibelius & more
    Export to PDF and share online
    Plugins 15 sound plugins included 50 sound + orchestra plugins included 150+ sound + orchestra plugins included
    Keyboard shortcuts Fixed Desktop: Customizable Mobile: Fixed Desktop: Customizable Mobile: Fixed
    Manuscript paper styles Includes 10 but you cannot create your own Includes 50 but you cannot create your own Includes 60+ and you can create your own
    Note values 64th to breve 512th note supported 512th note supported
    Built-in Network Management
    Site licenses
    Instruments Common instruments Desktop: Common instruments + world instruments Mobile: Common only Desktop: Common instruments + world instruments Mobile: Common only
    Autosaves your work

    *Cost to renew this is $50 one-time