Rustler News Log:
2020 Archives
December 27th, 2020
As expected, the Christmas sales went over $5,000,000 on all products and amazed the sales department. It seeems that Rustler will end this quarter with high sales, and begin Q1 2021 with extra high sales. In addition, the new Rustler Trident is giving Rustler an extra $75,000 per day, though the washing machines are still giving the sales department a hard time. The Rustler sales department hopes this continues.
December 21st, 2020
We're coming to the end of the final quarter of the year, and the quarterly report has already been put out. Rustler's product sales are already climbing toward the top edge of the graph, and Rustler's new product, computers, are soaring high. The only thing that's not selling so well is Washing Machines. They've gone down a little bit in the last two weeks, but it hasn't been a major drop yet. The Rustler sales department is preparing to be astonished at the extremely high Rustler sales on Christmas.
December 18th, 2020
Rustler's sales have zoomed up like never before in this Christmas month. This Christmas, sales have been recorded to be 10% higher than last year, so that shows that Rustler is doing well. Rustler developers are pushing out new releases at light speed and making records on products like DiskMaster, ProDesign, and Music Software. The sales department has given praise to the developers for what they've done so far and urges them to continue doing what they are doing. We are all waiting on the day that Rustler sales are going to go through the roof, December 25th.
November 29th, 2020
After being unusually low for a few weeks, Rustler sales have skyrocketed, especially ProDesign and NoteMaster. Software has reached an astounding high of $2.38 million/week while physical products are at $197,900/week, the usual average. Rustler sales are projected to continue climbing in this way until the very end of December, when they are expected to drop slightly. The Rustler Sales Department will continue to monitor the sales.
October 19th, 2020
Rustler's physical product sales has reached a record high just today and continue to rise. A minor drop in software sales has been noticed in the Rustler sales department's daily analyzations, but nothing too severe has come out of the investigations. Currently, the most prosperous of Rustler's physcial products are their cars, which had just reached an unbelievable high of $4,790,366.00. Rustler hopes this amazing behavior continues.
October 2nd, 2020
Just on the third week of their fourth quarter of 2020, Rustler physical product sales are increasing, despite the increase in people not wanting to touch physical products because of COVID-19. Rustler software sales are staying idle, and just two days ago dropped mildly. The Rustler sales department coaxes Rustler software developers to continue releasing new software. Other than that, the Rustler sales department predicts the physical product sales to rise to nearly $5,000 above the average.
September 16th, 2020
Rustler is starting strong on their fourth and last quarter of 2020. Software sales rose rapidly during the last week when the quarter started, but the physical products stayed stationary. Rustler hopes to continue this behavior for the rest of the year, and, as usual, the Rustler sales department will be monitoring the Rustler sales closely. Rustler's new physical product, TVs, has also helped with the rise of Rustler sales. Just three days ago, they capped out approximately $10,000 above the average. Rustler hopes to continue in this fashion.
September 5th, 2020
In just one week, the third quarter of the year will have ended. So far Rustler's product sales have dropped slightly, with the major drop of Projector sales, ever since the start of September. The Rustler sales department is not satisfied AT ALL, and is pushing Rustler product developers to keep releasing products. Since then, Projector sales have doubled, with the minor lifting of all Videos product sales. Rustler hopes all their sales will continue to rise until the end of the quarter.
August 23rd, 2020
We're coming toward the end of this quarter. Rustler's sales are slightly climbing, especially physical products sales, back to their usual average after a large drop just two weeks ago. The software is doing the same, though at a less steep climb rate. The projectors sale reached the average of $664,000 as the software rose just below the usual average, capping out at a maximum of $836,000, approximately $3,000 less than the average of last year. Rustler's overall performance in this quarter has been amazing judging from the conditions of everything right now. We hope Rustler ends the quarter on a good note.
August 4th, 2020
The Rustler Sales Department has been examining Rustler's main product sales very closely for the last month or so, and they have not detected any drops. The only change was on August 2, the Rustler sales saored to almost a record high. At this, the sales department predicted a good rest of the quarter…for our software, anyway. Our physical products, however, are not doing so well. This was the first time in one of the summer months that the physcial products have ever been below average. The Rustler sales department will continue to check regularily on things.
July 30th, 2020
Rustler's in the clear for their product sales. There has been an insignificant drop near the beginning of July, but Videos than that, Rustler seems well. Sveeral data analyses have been conducted, and the results have came out well: The only product that has not bene doing so well was Washing Machines. Their sales have been almost $1,000 below the average of this quarter, and almost $6,000 below our record. Other than that, Rustler seems to be doing well.
June 27th, 2020
Rustler's product sakes have rapidly increased despite the increase of cases. Rustler continues to operate solely on their Online Stores, getting their money through people purchasing products on their order forms. Rustler will invest in their quarterly stock for hopefully less money than last year. Rustler's main products are continuing to sell high.
July 22nd, 2020
After the small decline in the COVID-19 cases, Rustler has had a chance to recover from their little losses. Their products continue to sell high, and their customers still frequently buy their software. Their physical products, however, have taken a dive in sales. These products include RustlerBook, Projectors, Cars, Washing Machines, Houses and Aircraft. Their software, however, has reached a record high within the last couple of weeks. Rustler will continue their attempts to thrive in all aspects of the market, and the sales department will continue to regularily check on Rustler's sales.
April 23rd, 2020
Last time the sales department checked, Rustler sales were soaring. There has been a little bit of a drop since them, but nothing significant. Rustler is still on track for high sales, and we are closely monitoring our sales with weekly sales pitch presentations. With a little effort, Rustler should be clear of any impacts that the COVID-19 outbreak might impair on Rustler.
April 19th, 2020
So far in the pandemic, Rustler has continued their good place in the situation, and has kept their sales up as usual. A small drop was seen in the last couple of months, but Rustler has mostly recovered from that drop since then. Rustler products continue to thrive as normal, and Rustler services are continuing to be updated and refined. Rustler is bound for a good rest of the year.
February 4th, 2020: The First Ever
Rustler's regular pace at the start of a quarter has shown us the usual: At the start of the quarter Rustler's product sales started out low, also a bit lower than the normal. Rustler eventually, later on in the quarter, climbed up to their usual average of product sales. Rustler looks like they're headed for a good 1st quarter of the year. Rustler will eventually drop back down again, as projected sales have shown that the COVID-19 outbreak will have some more affect on Rustler throughout the year. Rustler's current progress so far in their 1st quarter of the year has been outstanding considering the COVID-19 outbreak, and Rustler will continue to work hard at making their products.
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