Rustler News Log:
2022 Archives
August 18, 2022
Rustler's sales continue to climb as the Rustler Evalon is discontinued and some new sales are imposed on Rustler's best-selling products. The sales department's noticed that projects are beginning to sell extremely well for some reason, in addition to computers, which have become high in demand lately. Graphics cards have also gone up to about 5,486,385 units sold per day, at about 265% above the average. Meanwhile, CPU sales have reached a record-breaking high of over 10 million units sold per day; the previous record was 8,483,692 units per day in 2009. The sales department hopes this continues throughout the remainder of the quarter.
August 13, 2022
Many months after the last update, the Rustler sales department is pleased to announce that Rustler's sales are doing quite well indeed. RecordMaster, Rustler's new screen recording software, seems to be selling extremely well for one of Rustler's new products, and at the end of next month, we'll find ourselves at the end of the 3rd quarter of 2022. The sales department also recorded exceptioanlly high washing machine sales, perhaps 700 or so washing machines sold per day, and projector sales are about 41% over the average right now. The 2023 car model year is in full swing, and Rustler is preparing its electric vehicles, such as the Excalibur and the Impulse (god, I almost wrote Intrepid) for release next year. We'll keep you updated on the latest news.
May 28, 2022
Rustler's sales, fortunately, have begun to recover over the past few days. Car sales have shot back up to 562,683 vehicles sold per day, washing machine sales have gone up to 295 washing machines sold per day, and projector sales have gone up to about 35% over the average. The sales department thinks this is because of the introduction of the new product AntivirusPro whose sales are starting out quite high, even if it's only been a few minutes since the order form was put up. The sales department is happy to see this change in Rustler's sales, and it hopes this trend continues as the second quarter comes to a close.
May 25, 2022
The end of the second quarter of 2022 is almost over already, leaving Rustler's sales dropping down like never before. The sales department still doesn't know what caused Rustler's sales to drop so drastically over the past few weeks, but washing machine sales are now down to nearly 0, a record low in Rustler sales, car sales have plunged to only 30,000 vehicles sold per day (probably because of the Evador's exploding differential recall, read more on that here. The product ceremony is coming up on June 3rd, and Rustler's not sure if the employees can handle it with all the Videos work the y are having to do! The sales department is very angry right now and will continue to keep a watchful eye on the atrocious Rustler sales as the third quarter approaches.
April 26, 2022
Rustler is now a few weeks into its 2nd quarter, and sales have climbed quite a bit since the last entry. Projector sales have gone up to about 2.46% above the average, and with car sales going up to over 926,388 vehicles sold per day with the final release of the Coronado and Wyndham, Rustler's sales are doing pretty well comapred to a few weeks ago. Washing machines, unfortunately, are still giving the sales department a pain; sales are about 11.3% below the average and the sales department is not satisfied. Overall, the sales department will continue to do everything they can to improve washing machine sales over the next few weeks.
April 2, 2022
Rustler has now officially entered the 2nd quarter of the year, and as usual, sales start out low. Projector sales are about 7.3% below average right now, while Irrigation System sales have dipped back down into the 410,000-units-sold-per-day range. Washing Machines are beginning to give the sales department a hard time again, however, with its sales going down about an astounding 15.6% below the average and plummeting units sold per day values down to abuot 258,285. In the next Financial Conferece, which will be this August, the sales department will discuss ideas to improve these sorts of things. But for now, the sales department will continue to keep an eye on Rustler's sales.
March 25, 2022
As the end of the first quarter of 2022 approaches, Rustler sales managers are beginning to closely monitor Rustler's sales. Tomorrow the 12th issue of the Rustler Weekly Report will go out, and within a few days, the 1st Quarter Presentation will be presented. Rustler's car sales have dipped back down again slightly, bit about 3.4%, while the new Irrigation Systems sales have been climbing, the last recorded value being 436,285 units sold per day, about 9.5% higher than the average. RustlerProfessional sales have been abnormally low lately, wavering around about 11.4% below the recorded average. Customer satisfaction levels for RustlerProfessional are also trending down. The sales department will continue to closely monitor Rustler's sales as we close in on the start of the 2nd quarter.
March 21, 2022
Since the last update, Rustler's sales have not really changed, which is unusual. However, what has changed is the number of customers reading the Rustler Weekly Report, Rustler's weekly newsletter that gives subscribers an update on how our products are doing, and the number of people visiting the Rustler Website. Our analytics trackers have shown a total increase of 26.8% in site visitors after a Rustler marketing specialist send out invite links to customers inviting them to subscribe to the Rustler Weekly Report. This gained 1 new subscriber to the campaign, and Rustler's just issued a survey to all subscribers to check in. The new Irrigation Systems has increased Rustler's sales by about 9.3%, and Rustler's car sales are beginning to go up to about 4,100,574 vehicles sold per day as the new 2023 model year begins. (Rustler's car model year starts very early, usually about late March to early May.)
February 15, 2022
The Rustler Sales Campaign Conference on February 13th has now allowed Rustler to gain expertise in managing its sales. Rustler has installed new sales and task management software to help keep its sales up and running. As a result, Rustler's overall sales have increased about 7.3% so far since the Rustler Sales Campaign Conference, and cars are now selling about 4,227,573 vehicles per day, a very respectable amount. Washing machines are improving, though they are still exactly on average and nothing more. Rustler's new product dashcams are also helping the sales by selling about 25% over the usual average, at about 7,375,785 units per day.
February 6, 2022
After a little bit of a gap between updates, Rustler's sales are going quite well--we have over 950,000 cars sold daily as of lat week, and Videos physical product sales are going quite well. Washing machines, on the Videos hand, continue to give the sales department problems, including selling under 100,000 units per week. The upcoming Rustler Sales Campaign conference will be an informative meeting, allowing the sales department to collaborate wtih IT on ideas to make Rustler's sales rise above the low point it's at right now.
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