February 4th, 2020 Rustler's regular pace at the start of a quarter has shown us the usual: At the start of the quarter Rustler's product sales started out low, also a bit lower than the normal. Rustler eventually, later on in the quarter, climbed up to their usual average of product sales. Rustler looks like they're headed for a good 1st quarter of the year. Rustler will eventually drop back down again, as projected sales have shown that the COVID-19 outbreak will have some more affect on Rustler throughout the year. Rustler's current progress so far in their 1st quarter of the year has been outstanding considering the COVID-19 outbreak, and Rustler will continue to work hard at making their products.
April 19th, 2020 So far in the pandemic, Rustler has continued their good place in the situation, and has kept their sales up as usual. A small drop was seen in the last couple of months, but Rustler has mostly recovered from that drop since then. Rustler products continue to thrive as normal, and Rustler services are continuing to be updated and refined. Rustler is bound for a good rest of the year.
April 23rd, 2020 Last time the sales department checked, Rustler sales were soaring. There has been a little bit of a drop since them, but nothing significant. Rustler is still on track for high sales, and we are closely monitoring our sales with weekly sales pitch presentations. With a little effort, Rustler should be clear of any impacts that the COVID-19 outbreak might impair on Rustler.
June 22, 2020 After the small decline in the cases, Rustler has had a chance to recover from their little losses. Their products continue to sell high, and their customers still frequently buy their software. Their physical products, however, have taken a dive in sales. These products include RustlerBook, Projectors, Cars, Washing Machines, Houses and Aircraft. Their software, however, has reached a record high within the last couple of weeks. Rustler will continue their attempts to thrive in all aspects of the market, and the sales department will continue to regularily check on Rustler's sales.
June 27, 2020 Rustler's product sakes have rapidly increased despite the increase of cases. Rustler continues to operate solely on their Online Stores, getting their money through people purchasing products on their order forms. Rustler will invest in their quarterly stock for hopefully less money than last year. Rustler's main products are continuing to sell high.
July 30, 2020 Rustler's in the clear for their product sales. There has been an insignificant drop near the beginning of July, but Videos than that, Rustler seems well. Sveeral data analyses have been conducted, and the results have came out well: The only product that has not bene doing so well was Washing Machines. Their sales have been almost $1,000 below the average of this quarter, and almost $6,000 below our record. Other than that, Rustler seems to be doing well.
August 4, 2020 The Rustler Sales Department has been examining Rustler's main product sales very closely for the last month or so, and they have not detected any drops. The only change was on August 2, the Rustler sales saored to almost a record high. At this, the sales department predicted a good rest of the quarter…for our software, anyway. Our physical products, however, are not doing so well. This was the first time in one of the summer months that the physcial products have ever been below average. The Rustler sales department will continue to check regularily on things.
August 23, 2020 We're coming toward the end of this quarter. Rustler's sales are slightly climbing, especially physical products sales, back to their usual average after a large drop just two weeks ago. The software is doing the same, though at a less steep climb rate. The projectors sale reached the average of $664,000 as the software rose just below the usual average, capping out at a maximum of $836,000, approximately $3,000 less than the average of last year. Rustler's overall performance in this quarter has been amazing judging from the conditions of everything right now. We hope Rustler ends the quarter on a good note.
September 5, 2020 In just one week, the third quarter of the year will have ended. So far Rustler's product sales have dropped slightly, with the major drop of Projector sales, ever since the start of September. The Rustler sales department is not satisfied AT ALL, and is pushing Rustler product developers to keep releasing products. Since then, Projector sales have doubled, with the minor lifting of all Videos product sales. Rustler hopes all their sales will continue to rise until the end of the quarter.
September 16, 2020 Rustler is starting strong on their fourth and last quarter of 2020. Software sales rose rapidly during the last week when the quarter started, but the physical products stayed stationary. Rustler hopes to continue this behavior for the rest of the year, and, as usual, the Rustler sales department will be monitoring the Rustler sales closely. Rustler's new physical product, TVs, has also helped with the rise of Rustler sales. Just three days ago, they capped out approximately $10,000 above the average. Rustler hopes to continue in this fashion.
October 2, 2020 Just on the third week of their fourth quarter of 2020, Rustler physical product sales are increasing, despite the increase in people not wanting to touch physical products because of COVID-19. Rustler software sales are staying idle, and just two days ago dropped mildly. The Rustler sales department coaxes Rustler software developers to continue releasing new software. Other than that, the Rustler sales department predicts the physical product sales to rise to nearly $5,000 above the average.
October 19, 2020 Rustler's physical product sales has reached a record high just today and continue to rise. A minor drop in software sales has been noticed in the Rustler sales department's daily analyzations, but nothing too severe has come out of the investigations. Currently, the most prosperous of Rustler's physcial products are their cars, which had just reached an unbelievable high of $4,790,366.00. Rustler hopes this amazing behavior continues.
November 29th, 2020 After being unusually low for a few weeks, Rustler sales have skyrocketed, especially ProDesign and NoteMaster. Software has reached an astounding high of $2.38 million/week while physical products are at $197,900/week, the usual average. Rustler sales are projected to continue climbing in this way until the very end of December, when they are expected to drop slightly. The Rustler Sales Department will continue to monitor the sales.
December 18th, 2020 Rustler's sales have zoomed up like never before in this Christmas month. This Christmas, sales have been recorded to be 10% higher than last year, so that shows that Rustler is doing well. Rustler developers are pushing out new releases at light speed and making records on products like DiskMaster, ProDesign, and Music Software. The sales department has given praise to the developers for what they've done so far and urges them to continue doing what they are doing. We are all waiting on the day that Rustler sales are going to go through the roof, December 25th.
December 21st, 2020 We're coming to the end of the final quarter of the year, and the quarterly report has already been put out. Rustler's product sales are already climbing toward the top edge of the graph, and Rustler's new product, computers, are soaring high. The only thing that's not selling so well is Washing Machines. They've gone down a little bit in the last two weeks, but it hasn't been a major drop yet. The Rustler sales department is preparing to be astonished at the extremely high Rustler sales on Christmas.
December 27th, 2020 As expected, the Christmas sales went over $5,000,000 on all products and amazed the sales department. It seeems that Rustler will end this quarter with high sales, and begin Q1 2021 with extra high sales. In addition, the new Rustler Trident is giving Rustler an extra $75,000 per day, though the washing machines are still giving the sales department a hard time. The Rustler sales department hopes this continues.
January 3rd, 2021 Rustler's sales have gone down a little bit since Christmas, but the sales are still above average. Since the introduction of Rustler Dishwashers, people have been cramming to buy them after being extremely dissatisfied with Videos brands. ProDesign sales are continuing to rise high and are surprising Rustler sales managers. So far, this new quarter seems to be going as expected, with higher than average sales and many customers buying products. The Rustler sales department hopes this continues throughout the quarter and the whole year.
January 20th, 2021 Rustler's sales have dropped a little bit, especially projectors, but no major loss has been reported. The sales department has noticed a slightly higher amount of site visitors per day, clocking in at about 167,369, up from last month's 167,226. There have also been more Rustler software engineers applying lately, which the Rustler CEO appreciates. The Rustler sales department hopes this continues.
March 10th, 2021 Rustler's creation of the new product Water Heaters have greatly increased Rustler's total sales. However, EmailMaster and LogoMaster sales are starting to drop as the code for the applications get older and older and developers begin to struggle to fix them without redesigning the whole application. Rustler's sales are still at or above average on most products, though, so the sales department isn't too dejected.
March 16th, 2021 As Rustler heads towards the end of the first quarter of the year, Rustler's sales seem to be climbing, which is a good sign. The Rustler sales department has just completed the quarterly presentation, but investors and consumers won't be able to see it until the first week of April. Rustler's Water Heater sales, of course, are not so great, but Videos physical products such as projectors, televisions, and RustlerBook. The sales department hopes this continues throughout the recall and the new quarter.
March 21st, 2021 Coming up on the 2nd quarter of the year, Rustler's sales are ascending to a point higher than the sales department's ever seen before at the end of a quarter. Rustler's sales are wont to take a small drop just before beginning another quarter, but this year, they are doing the exact opposite. Because of the introduction of a new product, surveillance cameras, Rustler's physical product sales are soaring, and the water heater recall turned out to have little affect on Rustler's physical product sales. The sales department hopes this behavior continues.
March 31st, 2021 As of today, the 1st quarter of the year has officially ended and the 2nd quarter of the year will begin tomorrow. Consumers have now seen the quarterly presentation, and Rustler's software sales are climbing to the top of the graph. However, surveillance camera sales have dropped a slight bit since their introduction on March 21st, and some physical products are struggling just under average. The sales department hopes things turn out better in the upcoming quarter.
April 12th, 2021 Rustler is now coming up on the second week of their 2nd quarter. Their software sales have taken a significant decrease, and the sales department is dissatisfied. Projector sales are declining, and things are not looking too good for Rustler's sales lately. But wtih the recent introduction of thermostats, Rustler's sales aren't doing too badly. So far, Rustler's sales in the 2nd quarter have not been doing too well.
April 30th, 2021 Rustler is about to end the first month of their first quarter. Rustler's sales have improved greatly, and have climbed to just over average amounts on about 88% of their products. The Videos 12% are stil below average. Rustler's total sales amount for the month of April has rounded up to about $1,668,365, about $2,200 less than it is on average. The sales department will continue to keep a close eye on Rustler's sales coming into the month of May.
May 10th, 2021 Rustler's sales have improved tremendously in the second month of the 2nd quarter. This month's Share, Talk, Collaborate conference will be hosted on the third monday instead of the last one, because the 31st is a holiday, in which all employees will be off from work. The sales have been far above average for about a week now, which is a good portent for the sales department. In addition, the introduction of Realization 3D has sent Rustler's sales They hope that the sales continue to perform exceptionally throughout the remainder of the quarter.
May 15th, 2021 The Rustler Website is now receiving slightly more users due to recent Rustler website chages. Rustler's sales, on the Videos hand, have been doing quite well for the last week, staying around $26,538,000 to Rustler's usual average of $24,000,000. The sales department is overly pleased with these results, and hope they sustain throughout the quarter.
May 16th, 2021 Because of the introduction of Realization 3D, Rustler's sales have improved almost 5% since the last report. They have now achieved an above-average state on most software and physical products; however, sales of Projectors are still slightly below average. The sales department is working on organizing better advertising to attract more customers towards Rustler's products.
May 21st, 2021 Rustler's sales are anticipated to rise almost 15% due to the opening of Rustlerworld Park. Not only this, but Rustler's physical product sales are beginning to rise again after staying idle for quite a few weeks. Software sales are also in good shape; all of Rustler's sales seem to be doing exceptionally right now, and hopefully they will stay that way.
June 13th, 2021 Rustler has just started the 2nd quarter of the year, and their sales are transcending all known averages and highs. Summer isn't usually the best time of the year for Rustler's sales, but the sales department has caught the sales rising up over 450,000 products purchased/day, higher than the highest known high since 2001. The sales department hopes this continues.
July 1st, 2021 Rustler's sales department has been very impressed with Rustler's sales lately. There has been a change in the line of workers, and that seems to have fixed all of Rustler's previous problems with sales. Things are a bit above average, and seem to be staying around the same rate. The sales department hopes everything stays in order throughout July 4th.
July 4th, 2021 Sales on the 4th of July were about 20% higher than anticipated. Over 50,000 Rustler Evadors (Rustler sedan) were purchased, and over 7,000,000 physical products were bought. Software sales were up 15% compared to last year's 4th of July, indicating that Rustler's doing the right thing in terms of sales. The Sales Department's Sales Improvement Program has also helped Rustler's sales aceelerate to 75% over the average, an astounding number for the sales department.
July 11th, 2021 The sales department has noticed Adobe customers flocking to Rustler because they were fed up with the extortionate prices over at Adobe. This has increased Rustler's software sales, espesically RustlerCommercial and RustlerProfessional, and has caused Rustler's products purchased per day figure to rise up to 425,765, about 17% above average, and Rustler's money earned per day to reach $395,000.
July 16th, 2021 Rustler's sales are starting to dip again. Software sales have gone down to $409,550, about $2500 lower than Rustler's previous high, $412,000. Rustler's surveillance cameras are doing very badly, selling about 12% lower than usual. Because the Rustler Financial Conference will be taking place on August 16th, the Sales Department will use that to focus in on keeping Rustler's sales stable and consistent.
September 1st, 2021 Rustler has just introduced their new elevators to improve their sales that have been lagging over the past months. Sales are already starting to rise over 400,000 products sold per day, which is where they were before July, when things started to dip (see above). Unfortunately, the sales department's efforts aren't working on the surveillance cameras front, though the August 16th conference proposed some new advertising ideas that might help Rustler in the long run. The sales department will continue to monitor Rustler's sales and make sure it stays afloat.
September 15th, 2021 Rustler is coming up on the end of the 3rd quarter of the year, and their sales are picking up speed. Car sales are rising over 500,000 units sold per day, while physical products are improving. The new elevators' sales have increased by about 15% since its introduction, meaning that there will be good figures in the 3rd quarter report. The sales department will continue to do what they're doing to keep the sales high.
September 19th, 2021 As the end of the 3rd quarter nears, Rustler's sales climb to a near peak point--cars are now selling over 600,000 units per day, but physical products are beginning to drop. Other than that, however, Rustler's sales are the best they've been in a while, and Rustler customer satisfaction surveys show that 97.7% of customers have had a flawless experience with Rustler products.
October 11th, 2021 Rustler has now started the 4th and last quarter of the year, and their sales are rising, for more customers are purchasing Rustler's software. GitMaster sales are beginning to rise to a record of 450,000 software copies per day, which means over $11,000 per month for Rustler on GitMaster. Cars, meanwhile, are rocketing to the highest point they've been all year, and with the latest sales, customers seem to be purchasing more. A reported 68% of Rustler customers were said to have purchased cars over Videos products. The sales department hopes this continues throughout the rest of the year.
November 16th, 2021 We haven't reported in a while, and the reason for that is becasue Rustler's sales have gone so stunningly high that we are speechless! Projectors sales have risen 88% above the average, with 503,750 units being sold per day, and graphics cards sales rising to 550,000 units sold per day. Rustler's sales are climbing to an amount never before predicted, and as they approah the end of the 2021 year, the sales managers can only hope that Rustler will be able to sustain this amazing condition.
November 20th, 2021 As we come to the end of the year, and as the presentations are coming out, Rustler's sales continue to impress at around 2.5 million products sold per day. This is helping Rustler improve what they already have so they can earn more sales from better, even more high-quality products. Daily, Rustler receives about $453,000 in product sales, which is about 23% more than last year at around this time. The sales department will keep a close eye on Rustler's sales performance and make sure it stays high.
November 23rd, 2021 As a result of Rustler's new product Diffusers, their sales have improved drastically, rising even higher than the previous record of $453,000 in product sales. We are now receiving a total of $475,000 per day, which is now about 32% over the average. Rustler's cars are the product that's selling best at the moment, with 300,000 vehicles sold per day, followed by ProDesign, and then the all-new diffusers. The sales department is extremely impressed with this, but will still keep monitoring Rustler's sales.
November 28th, 2021 Rustler's sales are slowly going down a little bit, as Rustler starts to run out of stock amid Black Friday sales. Cyber Monday has yet to come, however, and the sales department suspects sales will go back up again accordingly. At the moment, Rustler's diffuser sales have gone down to $451,557, while Rustler's ProDesign sales are at 577,828 software copies sold per day. This is about 700 less than when the sales department last checked, which was on November 23rd. Sales will continue to closely scrutinize Rustler's sales as we come into Christmastime.
December 5th, 2021 Things are still going quite well on the subjecct of Rustler's sales. The sales department expects Cyber Monday sales to boost Rustler's ProDesign sales over 600,000 software copies sold per day. All Videos software are doing just about average. Quarterly reports and information sheets indicate that Rustler's overall sales, including physical products and software, are about 2.7% higher than last year at around this time, so the sales department can be sure that Rustler's sales will be staying stable throughout December.
December 16th, 2021 The sales department is gearing up for Rustler's sales to go absolutely through the roof, just as it did last year around Christmas. They're preparing their advertising and Videos specialty customer services, as car sales rise over 5,000,000 vehicles produced per day. Graphics cards and CPU sales, on the Videos hand, are rising a little bit more calmly, at about 750,000 units sold per day. After a webinar involving better advertising techniques on December 15, the sales department is all pepped up for whatever they might need to do during Christmas.
February 6th, 2022 After a little bit of a gap between updates, Rustler's sales are going quite well--we have over 950,000 cars sold daily as of lat week, and Videos physical product sales are going quite well. Washing machines, on the Videos hand, continue to give the sales department problems, including selling under 100,000 units per week. The upcoming Rustler Sales Campaign conference will be an informative meeting, allowing the sales department to collaborate wtih IT on ideas to make Rustler's sales rise above the low point it's at right now.
February 15th, 2022 The Rustler Sales Campaign Conference on February 13th has now allowed Rustler to gain expertise in managing its sales. Rustler has installed new sales and task management software to help keep its sales up and running. As a result, Rustler's overall sales have increased about 7.3% so far since the Rustler Sales Campaign Conference, and cars are now selling about 4,227,573 vehicles per day, a very respectable amount. Washing machines are improving, though they are still exactly on average and nothing more. Rustler's new product dashcams are also helping the sales by selling about 25% over the usual average, at about 7,375,785 units per day.
March 21, 2022 Since the last update, Rustler's sales have not really changed, which is unusual. However, what has changed is the number of customers reading the Rustler Weekly Report, Rustler's weekly newsletter that gives subscribers an update on how our products are doing, and the number of people visiting the Rustler Website. Our analytics trackers have shown a total increase of 26.8% in site visitors after a Rustler marketing specialist send out invite links to customers inviting them to subscribe to the Rustler Weekly Report. This gained 1 new subscriber to the campaign, and Rustler's just issued a survey to all subscribers to check in. The new Irrigation Systems has increased Rustler's sales by about 9.3%, and Rustler's car sales are beginning to go up to about 4,100,574 vehicles sold per day as the new 2023 model year begins. (Rustler's car model year starts very early, usually about late March to early May.)
March 25, 2022 As the end of the first quarter of 2022 approaches, Rustler sales managers are beginning to closely monitor Rustler's sales. Tomorrow the 12th issue of the Rustler Weekly Report will go out, and within a few days, the 1st Quarter Presentation will be presented. Rustler's car sales have dipped back down again slightly, bit about 3.4%, while the new Irrigation Systems sales have been climbing, the last recorded value being 436,285 units sold per day, about 9.5% higher than the average. RustlerProfessional sales have been abnormally low lately, wavering around about 11.4% below the recorded average. Customer satisfaction levels for RustlerProfessional are also trending down. The sales department will continue to closely monitor Rustler's sales as we close in on the start of the 2nd quarter.
April 2, 2022 Rustler has now officially entered the 2nd quarter of the year, and as usual, sales start out low. Projector sales are about 7.3% below average right now, while Irrigation System sales have dipped back down into the 410,000-units-sold-per-day range. Washing Machines are beginning to give the sales department a hard time again, however, with its sales going down about an astounding 15.6% below the average and plummeting units sold per day values down to abuot 258,285. In the next Financial Conferece, which will be this August, the sales department will discuss ideas to improve these sorts of things. But for now, the sales department will continue to keep an eye on Rustler's sales.
April 26, 2022 Rustler is now a few weeks into its 2nd quarter, and sales have climbed quite a bit since the last entry. Projector sales have gone up to about 2.46% above the average, and with car sales going up to over 926,388 vehicles sold per day with the final release of the Coronado and Wyndham, Rustler's sales are doing pretty well comapred to a few weeks ago. Washing machines, unfortunately, are still giving the sales department a pain; sales are about 11.3% below the average and the sales department is not satisfied. Overall, the sales department will continue to do everything they can to improve washing machine sales over the next few weeks.
May 25, 2022 The end of the second quarter of 2022 is almost over already, leaving Rustler's sales dropping down like never before. The sales department still doesn't know what caused Rustler's sales to drop so drastically over the past few weeks, but washing machine sales are now down to nearly 0, a record low in Rustler sales, car sales have plunged to only 30,000 vehicles sold per day (probably because of the Evador's exploding differential recall, read more on that here. The product ceremony is coming up on June 3rd, and Rustler's not sure if the employees can handle it with all the Videos work the y are having to do! The sales department is very angry right now and will continue to keep a watchful eye on the atrocious Rustler sales as the third quarter approaches.
May 28, 2022 Rustler's sales, fortunately, have begun to recover over the past few days. Car sales have shot back up to 562,683 vehicles sold per day, washing machine sales have gone up to 295 washing machines sold per day, and projector sales have gone up to about 35% over the average. The sales department thinks this is because of the introduction of the new product AntivirusPro whose sales are starting out quite high, even if it's only been a few minutes since the order form was put up. The sales department is happy to see this change in Rustler's sales, and it hopes this trend continues as the second quarter comes to a close.
August 13, 2022 Many months after the last update, the Rustler sales department is pleased to announce that Rustler's sales are doing quite well indeed. RecordMaster, Rustler's new screen recording software, seems to be selling extremely well for one of Rustler's new products, and at the end of next month, we'll find ourselves at the end of the 3rd quarter of 2022. The sales department also recorded exceptioanlly high washing machine sales, perhaps 700 or so washing machines sold per day, and projector sales are about 41% over the average right now. The 2023 car model year is in full swing, and Rustler is preparing its electric vehicles, such as the Excalibur and the Impulse (god, I almost wrote Intrepid) for release next year. We'll keep you updated on the latest news.
August 18, 2022 Rustler's sales continue to climb as the Rustler Evalon is discontinued and some new sales are imposed on Rustler's best-selling products. The sales department's noticed that projects are beginning to sell extremely well for some reason, in addition to computers, which have become high in demand lately. Graphics cards have also gone up to about 5,486,385 units sold per day, at about 265% above the average. Meanwhile, CPU sales have reached a record-breaking high of over 10 million units sold per day; the previous record was 8,483,692 units per day in 2009. The sales department hopes this continues throughout the remainder of the quarter.
March 7, 2023 The Rustler Sales Team had a bit of a collapse near the end of 2022, but has came back together! Rustler sales have actually been doing exceptionally well lately, even though Rustler hasn't put out any new products (we already have 40+ products, you know.) Cars have been trending at about 25% above the average, and RustlerOS especially has been selling very well, at about 2.6 million copies sold per day, which is astounding. Because of all these sales, Rustler is thinking baout making some improvements to their products (see the carousel slides on the home page.) Rustler is also thinking about lowering product prices since they have raked in so much money in the past few months! (Customers, it's your happy day!) But that's all for now, and we'll keep you updated in the coming weeks on how things are going.
March 29th, 2023 Since our last report, Rustler's sales have increased drastically, giving us more money to upgrade facilities at the main headquarters building in Fort Woth, TX. Many employees are also getting raises, so it's a happy day at Rustler today. PrecisionVideo in particular has been trending very high sales-wise, and lots of our physical products like projectors have been selling at about 23% above average lately. Overall, the sales department is keeping a close eye on Rustler's sales as we come into the end of the 1st quarter.
April 3rd, 2023 Rustler is using a new technique called "product stalling" to rapidly increase sales. The sales department believes that Rutler's sales have been falling because of the rapid increase of the amount of products. Customers are being blindsided by all the new products to buy and are being turned away. As a result, Rustler is not planning to introduce any more new products for the next couple of months, at least. And it seems to be working: sales have increased by about 13.7% in most of the software and about 23.3% in most of the physical products. So it's a happy say for the sales department!
Because of COVID-19, Rustler will disinfect all physical products and their packages when delivered to you using a disinfectant. Product delivery will also be 100% contact-free, so you don't have to worry about touching someone. Rustler wants their customers to stay safe when receiving Rustler products.